Nanovoid Mac OS

broken image NanoVNASaver is developed by Rune B. Broberg. It is a multiplatform tool to save Touchstone files from the NanoVNA, sweep frequency spans in segments to gain more than 101 data points, and generally display and analyze the resulting data.

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MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.7) Posted on Apr 18, 2011 11:08 AM Reply I have this question too (15) I have this question too Me too (15) Me too. NanoVNASaver NanoVNASaver is developed by Rune B. It is a multiplatform tool to save Touchstone files from the NanoVNA, sweep frequency spans in segments to gain more than 101 data points, and generally display and analyze the resulting data. Related titles from Woodhead's textile technology list: Wearable electronics and photonics (1 85573 605 5) Building electronics into clothing is a major new concept, which opens up a whole array.


This software connects to a NanoVNA and extracts the data for display on a computer, and for saving to Touchstone files.

Current features:

  • Reading data from a NanoVNA
  • Splitting a frequency range into multiple segments to increase resolution (tried up to >10k points)
  • Averaging data for better results particularly at higher frequencies
  • Displaying data on multiple chart types, such as Smith, LogMag, Phase and VSWR-charts, for both S11 and S21
  • Displaying markers, and the impedance, VSWR, Q, equivalent capacitance/inductance etc. at these locations
  • Displaying customizable frequency bands as reference, for example amateur radio bands
  • Exporting and importing 1-port and 2-port Touchstone files
  • TDR function (measurement of cable length)
  • Display of both an active and a reference trace
  • Live updates of data from the NanoVNA, including for multi-segment sweeps
  • In-application calibration, including compensation for non-ideal calibration standards
  • Customizable display options, including 'dark mode'
  • Exporting images of plotted values


Download it from github.

This manual documents GNU nano, a small and friendly texteditor.

Next: Editor Basics,Previous: Top,Up: Top

1 Introduction

GNU nano is a small and friendly text editor. Besides basic textediting, nano offers many extra features like an interactivesearch and replace, go to line and column number, auto-indentation,feature toggles, internationalization support, and filename tabcompletion.

Next: Command Line Options,Previous: Introduction,Up: Introduction

1.1 Overview

The original goal for nano was a complete bug-for-bug compatibleemulation of Pico, but nano's current goal is to be as compatibleas possible while offering a superset of Pico's functionality. SeeSee Pico Compatibility, for more info.

The usual way to invoke nano is:

nano [OPTION]. [FILE]

But it is also possible to edit several files in a row. Additionally,the cursor can be put on a desired line number by adding this numberwith a plus sign before any filename, and even in a desired column byadding it with a comma. So the complete synopsis is:

nano [OPTION]. [[+LINE] FILE].

nano [OPTION]. [[+,COLUMN] FILE].


Email bug reports to

1.2 Command Line Options

nano takes the following options from the command line:

Start at line number LINE and column number COLUMN (at least one ofwhich must be specified) instead of the default of line 1, column 1.
Same as -h, --help.
-A, --smarthome
Make the Home key smarter. When Home is pressed anywhere but at thevery beginning of non-whitespace characters on a line, the cursor willjump to that beginning (either forwards or backwards). If the cursor isalready at that position, it will jump to the true beginning of theline.
-B, --backup
When saving a file, back up the previous version of it to the currentfilename suffixed with a ~.
-C , --backupdir=
Set the directory where nano puts unique backup files if filebackups are enabled.
-D, --boldtext
Use bold text instead of reverse video text.
-E, --tabstospaces
Convert typed tabs to spaces.
-F, --multibuffer
Enable multiple file buffers, if available.
-H, --historylog
Log search and replace strings to ~/.nano_history, so they can beretrieved in later sessions, if nanorc support is available.
-I, --ignorercfiles
Don't look at SYSCONFDIR/nanorc or ~/.nanorc, if nanorc support isavailable.
-K, --rebindkeypad
Interpret the numeric keypad keys so that they all work properly. Youshould only need to use this option if they don't, as mouse supportwon't work properly with this option enabled.
-L, --nonewlines
Don't add newlines to the ends of files.
-N, --noconvert
Don't convert files from DOS/Mac format.
-O, --morespace
Use the blank line below the titlebar as extra editing space.
-Q , --quotestr=
Set the quoting string for justifying. The default value is
^([ t]*[|>:}#])+

if extended regular expression support is available, or '> ' otherwise. Note that t above stands for a literal Tab character.

-R, --restricted
Restricted mode: don't read or write to any file not specified on thecommand line; read any nanorc files; allow suspending; allow a file tobe appended to, prepended to, or saved under a different name if italready has one; or use backup files or spell checking. Also accessibleby invoking nano with any name beginning with 'r' (e.g. 'rnano').
-S, --smooth
Enable smooth scrolling. Text will scroll line-by-line, instead of theusual chunk-by-chunk behavior.
-T <#cols>, --tabsize=<#cols>
Set the displayed tab length to #cols columns. The value of #cols mustbe greater than 0. The default value is 8.
-U, --quickblank
Do quick statusbar blanking. Statusbar messages will disappear after 1keystroke instead of 25. Note that -c overrides this.
-V, --version
Show the current version number and exit.
-W, --wordbounds
Detect word boundaries more accurately by treating punctuationcharacters as parts of words.
-Y , --syntax=
Specify a specific syntax highlighting from the nanorc to use, ifavailable. See See Nanorc Files, for more info.
-c, --const
Constantly display the cursor position and line number on the statusbar. Note that this overrides -U.
-d, --rebinddelete
Interpret the Delete key differently so that both Backspace and Deletework properly. You should only need to use this option if Backspaceacts like Delete on your system.
-h, --help
Show a summary of command line options and exit.
-i, --autoindent
Automatically indent new lines to the same number of spaces and tabs asthe previous line.
-k, --cut
Cut from the current cursor position to the end of the current line.
-l, --nofollow
When writing files, if the given file is a symbolic link, it is removedand a new file is created.
-m, --mouse
Enable mouse support, if available for your system. When enabled, mouseclicks can be used to place the cursor, set the mark (with a doubleclick), and execute shortcuts. The mouse will work in the X WindowSystem, and on the console when gpm is running.
-o , --operatingdir=
Set operating directory. Makes nano set up something similar toa chroot.
-p, --preserve
Preserve the ^Q (XON) and ^S (XOFF) sequences so data being sent to theeditor can be can be stopped and started.
-q, --quiet
Do not report errors in the nanorc file and ask them to be acknowledgedby pressing Enter at startup.
-r <#cols>, --fill=<#cols>
Wrap lines at column #cols. If this value is 0 or less, wrapping willoccur at the width of the screen less #cols, allowing it to vary alongwith the width of the screen if the screen is resized. The defaultvalue is -8.
-s , --speller=
Invoke the given program as the spell checker. By default, nanouses the command specified in the SPELL environment variable, or, ifSPELL is not set, its own interactive spell checker that requires thespell program to be installed on your system.
-t, --tempfile
Don't ask whether or not to save the current contents of the file whenexiting, assume yes. This is most useful when using nano as thecomposer of a mailer program.
-u, --undo
Enable experimental generic-purpose undo code. By default, the undo andredo shortcuts are Meta-U and Meta-E, respectively.
-v, --view
Don't allow the contents of the file to be altered. Note that thisoption should NOT be used in place of correct file permissions toimplement a read-only file.
-w, --nowrap
Don't wrap long lines at any length. This option overrides any valuefor -r.

-x, --nohelp
Expert Mode: don't show the Shortcut Lists at the bottom of the screen. This affects the location of the statusbar as well, as in Expert Mode itis located at the very bottom of the editor.

Note: When accessing the help system, Expert Mode is temporarilydisabled to display the help system navigation keys.
Pido1 mac os.

-z, --suspend
Enable nano's suspend ability using the system's suspendkeystroke (usually ^Z).
-$, --softwrap
Enable 'soft wrapping'. nano will attempt to display the entirecontents of a line, even if it is longer than the screen width. Since'$' normally refers to a variable in the Unix shell, you should specifythis option last when using other options (e.g. 'nano -wS$') or pass itseparately (e.g. 'nano -wS -$').
-a, -b, -e, -f, -g, -j
Ignored, for compatibility with Pico.
Next: Online Help,Previous: Introduction,Up: Top

2 Editor Basics

Next: Special Functions,Previous: Editor Basics,Up: Editor Basics

2.1 Entering Text

All key sequences in nano are entered using the keyboard. nano is a 'modeless' editor. All keys, with the exception ofControl and Meta key sequences, will enter text into the file beingedited.

Next: The Titlebar,Previous: Entering Text,Up: Editor Basics

2.2 Special Functions

Special functions use the Control (Ctrl) key, displayed in the help andshortcut lists as ^; the Meta key, displayed as M; or the Escape (Esc)key.

  • Control key sequences are entered by holding down the Ctrl key andpressing the desired key, or by pressing the Esc key twice and pressingthe desired key.
  • Pressing Esc twice and then typing a three-digit number from 000 to 255will enter the character with the corresponding value.
  • Meta key sequences are entered by holding down the Meta key (normallythe Alt key) and pressing the desired key, or by pressing the Esc keyonce and pressing the desired key. Certain operating systems 'swallow'the Alt key so that it never reaches the application; if your operatingsystem does this, you should use the Esc key to generate Meta keysequences.
Next: The Statusbar,Previous: Special Functions,Up: Editor Basics

2.3 The Titlebar

The titlebar is the line displayed at the top of the editor. There arethree sections: left, center and right. The section on the leftdisplays the version of nano being used. The center sectiondisplays the current filename, or 'New Buffer' if the file has not yetbeen named. The section on the right will display 'Modified' if thefile has been modified since it was last saved or opened.

Special modes: When nano is in 'File browser' mode, the centersection will display the current directory instead of the filename. SeeSee The File Browser, for more info.

Next: Shortcut Lists,Previous: The Titlebar,Up: Editor Basics

2.4 The Statusbar

The statusbar is the third line from the bottom of the screen, or thebottom line in Expert Mode. See See Expert Mode, for more info. Itshows important and informational messages. Any error messages thatoccur from using the editor will appear on the statusbar. Any questionsthat are asked of the user will be asked on the statusbar, and any userinput (search strings, filenames, etc.) will be input on the statusbar.

Next: Using the Mouse,Previous: The Statusbar,Up: Editor Basics

2.5 Shortcut Lists

The Shortcut Lists are the two lines at the bottom of the screen whichshow some of the more commonly used functions in the editor.

2.6 Using the Mouse

When mouse support has been configured and enabled, a single mouse clickplaces the cursor at the indicated position. Clicking a second time inthe same position toggles the mark. Clicking in the shortcut listexecutes the selected shortcut.

The mouse will work in the X Window System, and on the console when gpmis running.

Next: Feature Toggles,Previous: Editor Basics,Up: Top

3 Online Help

The online help system in nano is available by pressing ^G. It is fairly self explanatory, documenting the various parts of theeditor and available keystrokes. Navigation is via the ^Y (Page Up)and ^V (Page Down) keys. ^X exits the help system.

4 Feature Toggles

Toggles allow you to change certain aspects of the editor that wouldnormally be done via command line options. They are invoked via Metakey sequences. See See Special Functions, for more info. Thefollowing global toggles are available:

Backup Files Toggle (Meta-B)
toggles the -B (--backup) command line option.
Constant Cursor Position Display Toggle (Meta-C)
toggles the -c (--const) command line option.
Multiple File Buffers Toggle (Meta-F)
toggles the -F (--multibuffer) command line option.
Smart Home Key Toggle (Meta-H)
toggles the -A (--smarthome) command line option.
Auto Indent Toggle (Meta-I)
toggles the -i (--autoindent) command line option.
Cut To End Toggle (Meta-K)
toggles the -k (--cut) command line option.
Long Line Wrapping Toggle (Meta-L)
toggles the -w (--nowrap) command line option.
Mouse Support Toggle (Meta-M)
toggles the -m (--mouse) command line option.
No Conversion From DOS/Mac Format Toggle (Meta-N)
toggles the -N (--noconvert) command line option.
More Space For Editing Toggle (Meta-O)
toggles the -O (--morespace) command line option.
Whitespace Display Toggle (Meta-P)
toggles whitespace display mode if you have a 'whitespace' option inyour nanorc. See See Nanorc Files, for more info.
Tabs to Spaces Toggle (Meta-Q)
toggles the -E (--tabstospaces) command line option.
Smooth Scrolling Toggle (Meta-S)
toggles the -S (--smooth) command line option.
Expert/No Help Toggle (Meta-X)
toggles the -x (--nohelp) command line option.
Color Syntax Highlighting Toggle (Meta-Y)
toggles color syntax highlighting if you have color syntaxes in yournanorc. See See Nanorc Files, for more info.
Suspend Toggle (Meta-Z)
toggles the -z (--suspend) command line option.
Soft Wrapping Toggle (Meta-$)
toggles the -$ (--softwrap) command line option.
Next: The File Browser,Previous: Feature Toggles,Up: Top

5 Nanorc Files

The nanorc files contain the default settings for nano. Theyshould not be in DOS or Mac format. During startup, nano willfirst read its system-wide settings from SYSCONFDIR/nanorc, and thenuser-specific settings from ~/.nanorc.

A nanorc file accepts a series of 'set' and 'unset' commands, which canbe used to configure nano on startup without using the commandline options. Additionally, the 'syntax', 'color', and 'icolor'keywords are used to define syntax highlighting rules for different textpatterns. nano will read one command per line.

Options in nanorc files take precedence over nano's defaults, andcommand line options override nanorc settings. Options are also unsetby default, except for those that take arguments.

Quotes inside string parameters don't have to be escaped withbackslashes. The last double quote in the string will be treated as itsend. For example, for the 'brackets' option,


Space shooter (rolodophone) mac os. will match ', ', ), >, ], and}.

The supported commands and arguments are:

set/unset autoindent
Use auto-indentation.

Nanovoid Mac Os X

set/unset backup
Create backup files in 'filename~'.

Nanovoid Mac Os Update

set backupdir 'directory'
Set the directory where nano puts unique backup files if filebackups are enabled.
set/unset backwards
Do backwards searches by default.
set/unset boldtext
Use bold text instead of reverse video text.
set brackets 'string'
Set the characters treated as closing brackets when justifyingparagraphs. They cannot contain blank characters. Only closingpunctuation, optionally followed by closing brackets, can end sentences. The default value is

set/unset casesensitive
Do case sensitive searches by default.
Nanovoid mac os update
-H, --historylog
Log search and replace strings to ~/.nano_history, so they can beretrieved in later sessions, if nanorc support is available.
-I, --ignorercfiles
Don't look at SYSCONFDIR/nanorc or ~/.nanorc, if nanorc support isavailable.
-K, --rebindkeypad
Interpret the numeric keypad keys so that they all work properly. Youshould only need to use this option if they don't, as mouse supportwon't work properly with this option enabled.
-L, --nonewlines
Don't add newlines to the ends of files.
-N, --noconvert
Don't convert files from DOS/Mac format.
-O, --morespace
Use the blank line below the titlebar as extra editing space.
-Q , --quotestr=
Set the quoting string for justifying. The default value is
^([ t]*[|>:}#])+

if extended regular expression support is available, or '> ' otherwise. Note that t above stands for a literal Tab character.

-R, --restricted
Restricted mode: don't read or write to any file not specified on thecommand line; read any nanorc files; allow suspending; allow a file tobe appended to, prepended to, or saved under a different name if italready has one; or use backup files or spell checking. Also accessibleby invoking nano with any name beginning with 'r' (e.g. 'rnano').
-S, --smooth
Enable smooth scrolling. Text will scroll line-by-line, instead of theusual chunk-by-chunk behavior.
-T <#cols>, --tabsize=<#cols>
Set the displayed tab length to #cols columns. The value of #cols mustbe greater than 0. The default value is 8.
-U, --quickblank
Do quick statusbar blanking. Statusbar messages will disappear after 1keystroke instead of 25. Note that -c overrides this.
-V, --version
Show the current version number and exit.
-W, --wordbounds
Detect word boundaries more accurately by treating punctuationcharacters as parts of words.
-Y , --syntax=
Specify a specific syntax highlighting from the nanorc to use, ifavailable. See See Nanorc Files, for more info.
-c, --const
Constantly display the cursor position and line number on the statusbar. Note that this overrides -U.
-d, --rebinddelete
Interpret the Delete key differently so that both Backspace and Deletework properly. You should only need to use this option if Backspaceacts like Delete on your system.
-h, --help
Show a summary of command line options and exit.
-i, --autoindent
Automatically indent new lines to the same number of spaces and tabs asthe previous line.
-k, --cut
Cut from the current cursor position to the end of the current line.
-l, --nofollow
When writing files, if the given file is a symbolic link, it is removedand a new file is created.
-m, --mouse
Enable mouse support, if available for your system. When enabled, mouseclicks can be used to place the cursor, set the mark (with a doubleclick), and execute shortcuts. The mouse will work in the X WindowSystem, and on the console when gpm is running.
-o , --operatingdir=
Set operating directory. Makes nano set up something similar toa chroot.
-p, --preserve
Preserve the ^Q (XON) and ^S (XOFF) sequences so data being sent to theeditor can be can be stopped and started.
-q, --quiet
Do not report errors in the nanorc file and ask them to be acknowledgedby pressing Enter at startup.
-r <#cols>, --fill=<#cols>
Wrap lines at column #cols. If this value is 0 or less, wrapping willoccur at the width of the screen less #cols, allowing it to vary alongwith the width of the screen if the screen is resized. The defaultvalue is -8.
-s , --speller=
Invoke the given program as the spell checker. By default, nanouses the command specified in the SPELL environment variable, or, ifSPELL is not set, its own interactive spell checker that requires thespell program to be installed on your system.
-t, --tempfile
Don't ask whether or not to save the current contents of the file whenexiting, assume yes. This is most useful when using nano as thecomposer of a mailer program.
-u, --undo
Enable experimental generic-purpose undo code. By default, the undo andredo shortcuts are Meta-U and Meta-E, respectively.
-v, --view
Don't allow the contents of the file to be altered. Note that thisoption should NOT be used in place of correct file permissions toimplement a read-only file.
-w, --nowrap
Don't wrap long lines at any length. This option overrides any valuefor -r.

-x, --nohelp
Expert Mode: don't show the Shortcut Lists at the bottom of the screen. This affects the location of the statusbar as well, as in Expert Mode itis located at the very bottom of the editor.

Note: When accessing the help system, Expert Mode is temporarilydisabled to display the help system navigation keys.
Pido1 mac os.

-z, --suspend
Enable nano's suspend ability using the system's suspendkeystroke (usually ^Z).
-$, --softwrap
Enable 'soft wrapping'. nano will attempt to display the entirecontents of a line, even if it is longer than the screen width. Since'$' normally refers to a variable in the Unix shell, you should specifythis option last when using other options (e.g. 'nano -wS$') or pass itseparately (e.g. 'nano -wS -$').
-a, -b, -e, -f, -g, -j
Ignored, for compatibility with Pico.
Next: Online Help,Previous: Introduction,Up: Top

2 Editor Basics

Next: Special Functions,Previous: Editor Basics,Up: Editor Basics

2.1 Entering Text

All key sequences in nano are entered using the keyboard. nano is a 'modeless' editor. All keys, with the exception ofControl and Meta key sequences, will enter text into the file beingedited.

Next: The Titlebar,Previous: Entering Text,Up: Editor Basics

2.2 Special Functions

Special functions use the Control (Ctrl) key, displayed in the help andshortcut lists as ^; the Meta key, displayed as M; or the Escape (Esc)key.

  • Control key sequences are entered by holding down the Ctrl key andpressing the desired key, or by pressing the Esc key twice and pressingthe desired key.
  • Pressing Esc twice and then typing a three-digit number from 000 to 255will enter the character with the corresponding value.
  • Meta key sequences are entered by holding down the Meta key (normallythe Alt key) and pressing the desired key, or by pressing the Esc keyonce and pressing the desired key. Certain operating systems 'swallow'the Alt key so that it never reaches the application; if your operatingsystem does this, you should use the Esc key to generate Meta keysequences.
Next: The Statusbar,Previous: Special Functions,Up: Editor Basics

2.3 The Titlebar

The titlebar is the line displayed at the top of the editor. There arethree sections: left, center and right. The section on the leftdisplays the version of nano being used. The center sectiondisplays the current filename, or 'New Buffer' if the file has not yetbeen named. The section on the right will display 'Modified' if thefile has been modified since it was last saved or opened.

Special modes: When nano is in 'File browser' mode, the centersection will display the current directory instead of the filename. SeeSee The File Browser, for more info.

Next: Shortcut Lists,Previous: The Titlebar,Up: Editor Basics

2.4 The Statusbar

The statusbar is the third line from the bottom of the screen, or thebottom line in Expert Mode. See See Expert Mode, for more info. Itshows important and informational messages. Any error messages thatoccur from using the editor will appear on the statusbar. Any questionsthat are asked of the user will be asked on the statusbar, and any userinput (search strings, filenames, etc.) will be input on the statusbar.

Next: Using the Mouse,Previous: The Statusbar,Up: Editor Basics

2.5 Shortcut Lists

The Shortcut Lists are the two lines at the bottom of the screen whichshow some of the more commonly used functions in the editor.

2.6 Using the Mouse

When mouse support has been configured and enabled, a single mouse clickplaces the cursor at the indicated position. Clicking a second time inthe same position toggles the mark. Clicking in the shortcut listexecutes the selected shortcut.

The mouse will work in the X Window System, and on the console when gpmis running.

Next: Feature Toggles,Previous: Editor Basics,Up: Top

3 Online Help

The online help system in nano is available by pressing ^G. It is fairly self explanatory, documenting the various parts of theeditor and available keystrokes. Navigation is via the ^Y (Page Up)and ^V (Page Down) keys. ^X exits the help system.

4 Feature Toggles

Toggles allow you to change certain aspects of the editor that wouldnormally be done via command line options. They are invoked via Metakey sequences. See See Special Functions, for more info. Thefollowing global toggles are available:

Backup Files Toggle (Meta-B)
toggles the -B (--backup) command line option.
Constant Cursor Position Display Toggle (Meta-C)
toggles the -c (--const) command line option.
Multiple File Buffers Toggle (Meta-F)
toggles the -F (--multibuffer) command line option.
Smart Home Key Toggle (Meta-H)
toggles the -A (--smarthome) command line option.
Auto Indent Toggle (Meta-I)
toggles the -i (--autoindent) command line option.
Cut To End Toggle (Meta-K)
toggles the -k (--cut) command line option.
Long Line Wrapping Toggle (Meta-L)
toggles the -w (--nowrap) command line option.
Mouse Support Toggle (Meta-M)
toggles the -m (--mouse) command line option.
No Conversion From DOS/Mac Format Toggle (Meta-N)
toggles the -N (--noconvert) command line option.
More Space For Editing Toggle (Meta-O)
toggles the -O (--morespace) command line option.
Whitespace Display Toggle (Meta-P)
toggles whitespace display mode if you have a 'whitespace' option inyour nanorc. See See Nanorc Files, for more info.
Tabs to Spaces Toggle (Meta-Q)
toggles the -E (--tabstospaces) command line option.
Smooth Scrolling Toggle (Meta-S)
toggles the -S (--smooth) command line option.
Expert/No Help Toggle (Meta-X)
toggles the -x (--nohelp) command line option.
Color Syntax Highlighting Toggle (Meta-Y)
toggles color syntax highlighting if you have color syntaxes in yournanorc. See See Nanorc Files, for more info.
Suspend Toggle (Meta-Z)
toggles the -z (--suspend) command line option.
Soft Wrapping Toggle (Meta-$)
toggles the -$ (--softwrap) command line option.
Next: The File Browser,Previous: Feature Toggles,Up: Top

5 Nanorc Files

The nanorc files contain the default settings for nano. Theyshould not be in DOS or Mac format. During startup, nano willfirst read its system-wide settings from SYSCONFDIR/nanorc, and thenuser-specific settings from ~/.nanorc.

A nanorc file accepts a series of 'set' and 'unset' commands, which canbe used to configure nano on startup without using the commandline options. Additionally, the 'syntax', 'color', and 'icolor'keywords are used to define syntax highlighting rules for different textpatterns. nano will read one command per line.

Options in nanorc files take precedence over nano's defaults, andcommand line options override nanorc settings. Options are also unsetby default, except for those that take arguments.

Quotes inside string parameters don't have to be escaped withbackslashes. The last double quote in the string will be treated as itsend. For example, for the 'brackets' option,


Space shooter (rolodophone) mac os. will match ', ', ), >, ], and}.

The supported commands and arguments are:

set/unset autoindent
Use auto-indentation.

Nanovoid Mac Os X

set/unset backup
Create backup files in 'filename~'.

Nanovoid Mac Os Update

set backupdir 'directory'
Set the directory where nano puts unique backup files if filebackups are enabled.
set/unset backwards
Do backwards searches by default.
set/unset boldtext
Use bold text instead of reverse video text.
set brackets 'string'
Set the characters treated as closing brackets when justifyingparagraphs. They cannot contain blank characters. Only closingpunctuation, optionally followed by closing brackets, can end sentences. The default value is

set/unset casesensitive
Do case sensitive searches by default.
set/unset const
Constantly display the cursor position in the status bar.
set/unset cut
Use cut to end of line by default, instead of cutting the whole line.
set fill 'n'
Wrap lines at column number 'n'. If 'n' is 0 or less, the maximum linelength will be the screen width less 'n' columns. The default value is-8.
set/unset historylog
Enable ~/.nano_history for saving and reading search/replace strings.
set matchbrackets 'string'
Set the opening and closing brackets that can be found by bracketsearches. They cannot contain blank characters. The former set mustcome before the latter set, and both must be in the same order. Thedefault value is

set/unset morespace
Use the blank line below the titlebar as extra editing space.
set/unset mouse
Enable mouse support, so that mouse clicks can be used to place thecursor, set the mark (with a double click), or execute shortcuts.
set/unset multibuffer
Allow inserting files into their own buffers.
set/unset noconvert
Don't convert files from DOS/Mac format.
set/unset nofollow
Don't follow symlinks when writing files.
set/unset nohelp
Don't display the help lists at the bottom of the screen.
set/unset nonewlines
Don't add newlines to the ends of files.
set/unset nowrap
Don't wrap text at all.
set operatingdir 'directory'
nano will only read and write files inside 'directory' and itssubdirectories. Also, the current directory is changed to here, sofiles are inserted from this directory. By default, the operatingdirectory feature is turned off.
set/unset preserve
Preserve the XON and XOFF keys (^Q and ^S).
set punct 'string'
Set the characters treated as closing punctuation when justifyingparagraphs. They cannot contain blank characters. Only closingpunctuation, optionally followed by closing brackets, can end sentences. The default value is '!.?'.
set/unset quickblank
Do quick statusbar blanking. Statusbar messages will disappear after 1keystroke instead of 25.
set quotestr 'string'
The email-quote string, used to justify email-quoted paragraphs. Thisis an extended regular expression if your system supports them,otherwise a literal string. The default value is
'^([ t]*[#:>|}])+'

if you have extended regular expression support, or '> ' otherwise. Note that 't' stands for a literal Tab character.

set/unset rebinddelete
Interpret the Delete key differently so that both Backspace and Deletework properly. You should only need to use this option if Backspaceacts like Delete on your system.
set/unset rebindkeypad
Interpret the numeric keypad keys so that they all work properly. Youshould only need to use this option if they don't, as mouse supportwon't work properly with this option enabled.
set/unset regexp
Do extended regular expression searches by default.
set/unset smarthome
Make the Home key smarter. When Home is pressed anywhere but at thevery beginning of non-whitespace characters on a line, the cursor willjump to that beginning (either forwards or backwards). If the cursor isalready at that position, it will jump to the true beginning of theline.
set/unset smooth
Use smooth scrolling by default.
set/unset softwrap
Use soft wrapping by default.
set speller 'spellprog'
Use spelling checker 'spellprog' instead of the built-in one, whichcalls 'spell'.
set/unset suspend
Allow nano to be suspended.
set/unset suspendenable
If nano is allowed to be suspended, allow the suspend key(usually ^Z) to actually suspend it.
set tabsize 'n'
Use a tab size of 'n' columns. The value of 'n' must be greater than 0. The default value is 8.
set/unset tabstospaces
Convert typed tabs to spaces.
set/unset tempfile
Save automatically on exit, don't prompt.
set/unset undo
Enable experimental generic-purpose undo code.
set/unset view
Disallow file modification.
set whitespace 'string'

Nanovoid Mac Os Catalina

Set the two characters used to display the first characters of tabs andspaces. They must be single-column characters.
set/unset wordbounds
Detect word boundaries more accurately by treating punctuationcharacters as part of a word.
syntax 'str' ['fileregex' . ]
Defines a syntax named 'str' which can be activated via the -Y/–syntaxcommand line option, or will be automatically activated if the currentfilename matches the extended regular expression 'fileregex'. Allfollowing 'color' and 'icolor' statements will apply to 'syntax' until anew syntax is defined.

The 'none' syntax is reserved; specifying it on the command line is thesame as not having a syntax at all. The 'default' syntax is special: ittakes no 'fileregex', and applies to files that don't match any othersyntax's 'fileregex'.

color fgcolor,bgcolor 'regex' .
For the currently defined syntax, display all expressions matching theextended regular expression 'regex' with foreground color 'fgcolor' andbackground color 'bgcolor', at least one of which must be specified. Legal colors for foreground and background color are: white, black, red,blue, green, yellow, magenta, and cyan. You may use the prefix 'bright'to force a stronger color highlight for the foreground. If yourterminal supports transparency, not specifying a 'bgcolor' tells 'nano'to attempt to use a transparent background.
icolor fgcolor,bgcolor 'regex' .
Same as above, except that the expression matching is case insensitive.
color fgcolor,bgcolor start='sr' end='er'
Display expressions which start with the extended regular expression'sr' and end with the extended regular expression 'er' with foregroundcolor 'fgcolor' and background color 'bgcolor', at least one of whichmust be specified. This allows syntax highlighting to span multiplelines. Note that all subsequent instances of 'sr' after an initial 'sr'is found will be highlighted until the first instance of 'er'.
icolor fgcolor,bgcolor start='sr' end='er'
Same as above, except that the expression matching is case insensitive.
include 'syntaxfile'
Read in self-contained color syntaxes from 'syntaxfile'. Note that'syntaxfile' can only contain 'syntax', 'color', and 'icolor' commands.
Next: Pico Compatibility,Previous: Nanorc Files,Up: Top

6 The File Browser

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When reading or writing files, pressing ^T will invoke the file browser. Here, one can navigate directories in a graphical manner in order tofind the desired file.

Basic movement in the file browser is accomplished with the arrow keys,page up, and page down. More advanced movement is accomplished bysearching via ^W (or 'w') and changing directories via ^_ (or 'g'). Thebehavior of the Enter (or 's') key varies by what is currently selected. If the currently selected object is a directory, the file browser willenter and display the contents of the directory. If the object is afile, this filename and path are copied to the statusbar, and the filebrowser exits.

Next: Building and Configure Options,Previous: The File Browser,Up: Top

7 Pico Compatibility

nano attempts to emulate Pico as closely as possible, but thereare certain differences between the editors:

Search and Replace History
As of version 1.1.99pre1 of nano, text entered as search orreplace strings will be stored and can be accessed with the up/downarrow keys. Previously, nano offered a more consistent, butincompatible with Pico, method for entering search and replace strings. In the old method, previous entries would be displayed by default aseditable text in front of the cursor, as opposed to being bracketed anduneditable as it is in Pico. The old behavior could be made compatiblewith Pico via the -p option, but recent versions of Pico use the-p option to preserve the XON and XOFF sequences within theeditor. Since, with the new method, search and replace strings canstill be edited by simply hitting the up arrow key once, the old methodwas removed completely.
Writing, Appending, or Prepending Selected Text to Files
Text selected using the marking key (^^) can be written out, appended,or prepended to a new or existing file using the WriteOut key (^O).
Many options which alter the functionality of the program can be'toggled' on or off using Meta key sequences, meaning the program doesnot have to be restarted to turn a particular feature of the editor onor off. Please see the internal help function (^G) for a list of whatfunctions can be toggled for a particular version of nano. SeeSee Feature Toggles, for more info.
Cursor Position Display
The output of the 'Display Cursor Position' in nano displaysthe given column position, as well as the row and total characterposition of the cursor.
Interactive Replace and Spell Checker
It is worth noting that nano's replace function is interactive,i.e. it does not stop after one search string is found and automaticallyreplace it. The nano implementation will pause at each searchstring found and query whether to replace this instance or not. Theinternal spell checker operates similarly. Note that there is no way toforce these functions to behave in the Pico fashion. As of version1.1.99pre1, misspelled words are sorted and trimmed for uniqueness inthe internal spell checker such that the words 'apple' and 'Apple' willbe prompted for correction separately.

8 Building and Configure Options

Building nano from source is fairly straightforward if you arefamiliar with compiling programs with autoconf support:

  • tar xvfz nano-x.y.z.tar.gz (where x.y.z is the version ofnano)
  • cd nano-x.y.z/
  • ./configure
  • make
  • make install

The possible options to ./configure are:

Disable the mini file browser when reading or writing files.
Disable the help function. Doing this makes the binary much smaller,but makes it difficult for new users to learn more than very basicthings about using the editor.
Disable the justify and unjustify functions.
Disable all mouse functionality. This also disables the -m command lineoption, which enables the mouse functionality.
Disable setting the operating directory. This also disables the -ocommand line option, which sets the operating directory.
Disable use of the spell checker. This also disables the -s commandline option, which allows specifying an alternate spell checker.
Disable the tab completion code when reading or writing files.
Disable all long line wrapping. This also eliminates the -w commandline option, which enables long line wrapping.
This option disables all the above. It also disables some of the largerinternals of the editor, like the marking code and the cut to end ofline code. It also disables the function toggles.
Enable support for runtime debug output. This can get pretty messy, sochances are you only want this feature to work on the nano source.
Enable extra features. At the moment, this is just easter egg-typestuff.
Enable support for syntax coloring of files using the nanorc file. Thisenables nanorc support as well.
Enable support for opening multiple files at a time and switchingbetween them on the fly.
Enable support for reading the nanorc file at startup. You can storecustom settings in the nanorc file rather than having to pass commandline options to get desired behavior. See See Nanorc Files, formore info.
Shortcut for enabling the above four features (extra, color,multibuffer, and nanorc).
Disables Native Language support. This will disable use of theavailable GNU nano translations.
Disable long line wrapping by default when nano is run as root.
Enable support for reading and writing Unicode files. This will requireeither a wide version of curses, or a UTF-8-enabled version of Slang.
Disable support for reading and writing Unicode files.
Compiling nano with Slang is supported, and will make the binarynotably smaller than if compiled with ncurses or other curses libraries.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Editor Basics

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